Apple script 3

How to run AppleScript in macOS

Issue #223

Surround script by single quotes

let script = 
tell application "XcodeWay"
end tell

let command = "osascript -e '\(script)'"

let process = Process()
process.launchPath …

String manipulation in Apple Script

Issue #89

Today I find that AppleScript allows us to import Foundation, with that we have lots of power, including NSString. See my script

use scripting additions
use framework "Foundation"
property NSString : a reference to current …

How to call function inside Apple Script

Issue #88

I ’ve been using Apple Script to for my Finder extension FinderGo. Because of sandboxing, all scripts must lie inside Application Scripts folder.

Today, I was rewriting my Xcode extension XcodeWay. Before Xcode 8, we could use Xcode …