Life 13

How to form product idea

Issue #740

How to gain product ideas?

  1. Scratch your own itch. If you don’t have any itch to scratch, stop here. This is awkward. Go travelling. Go exploring the world. The world always has problems and needs solution. Image

  2. Build any …

How to deep work

Issue #738

Just found out the book Deep Work by Cal Newport and it has some interesting guidelines Here’s a very good summary of the book

  1. Put a boundary on …

My year in review 2020

Issue #715

I remember this time last year in December 2019, I spent almost every single bit of my free time on Puma because I want a Swift friendly version of fastlane that suits my need and leverages Swift 5 features.

Here’s my review of my …

What define a good developer

Issue #683

I always find myself asking this question “What define a good developer?” I ’ve asked many people and the answers vary, they ’re all correct in certain aspects

Good programmer is someone who has a solid knowledge …


Issue #79

I really like the concept of Ikigai

Ikigai (生き甲斐, pronounced [ikiɡai]) is a Japanese concept that means “a reason for being.” It is similar to the French phrase Raison d’être. Everyone, according to Japanese culture, has …

What if there is no inheritance?

Issue #77

My question

What if there is no inheritance, so that everybody has the same start, does that make life fairer?

Ad Hominem

Issue #76

I use Twitter a lot, mostly to follow people I like. They tweet cool things about tech and life. I learned a lot.

Please don’t show me the evil sides of the world ~ Michael Learn To Rock - How Many Hours

But there’s also bad …


Issue #31

I’m very happy to be on open source movement, and it ’ll be great to hear about what people have achieved

Law of Jante

Issue #9

The other day I was watching Inside Sweden’s Silicon Valley, and he mentions Law of Jante

It is pretty much this

  • You’re not to think you are anything special.
  • You’re not to think you are as good as we are.
  • You’re not to think you are …

Advices to students

Issue #8

Some say these are from the book Dumbing Down America of Charles Sykes, some say they are from Bill Gates ’s speech to high school students. I don’t know the origin, but they are cool enough, so I tend to share it again and again …