Issue #492
Suppose we have a base Localizable.strings
"open" = "Open";
"closed" = "Closed";
After sending that file for translations, we get translated versions.
"open" = "Åpen";
"closed" = "Stengt";
Searching and copy pasting these to our Localizable.strings is tedious and time consuming. We can write a script to apply that.
Remember that we need to be aware of smart and dump quotes
.replace(/\"/g, '')
.replace(/\"/g, '')
const fs = require('fs')
const originalFile = 'MyApp/Resources/nb.lproj/Localizable.strings'
const translationString = `
"open" = "Åpen";
"closed" = "Stengt";
class Translation {
constructor(key, value) {
this.key = key
this.value = value
Translation.make = function make(line) {
if (!line.endsWith(';')) {
return new Translation('', '')
const parts = line
.split(" = ")
const key = parts[0]
.replace(/\"/g, '')
.replace(/\”/g, '')
const value = parts[1]
.replace(/\"/g, '')
.replace(/\”/g, '')
.replace('undefined', '')
return new Translation(key, value)
function main() {
const translations = translationString
.map((line) => { return Translation.make(line) })
apply(translations, originalFile)
function apply(translations, originalFile) {
try {
const originalData = fs.readFileSync(originalFile, 'utf8')
const originalLines = originalData.split(/\r?\n/)
const parsedLine = => {
const originalTranslation = Translation.make(originalLine)
const find = translations.find((translation) => { return translation.key === originalTranslation.key })
if (originalLine !== "" && find !== undefined && find.key !== "") {
return `"${find.key}" = "${find.value}";`
} else {
return originalLine
const parsedData = parsedLine.join('\n')
fs.writeFileSync(originalFile, parsedData, { overwrite: true })
} catch (err) {
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