Issue #693
app has its theme information stored in UserDefaults key AppleInterfaceStyle
, if is dark, it contains String Dark
Another way is to detect appearance via NSView
struct R {
static let dark = DarkTheme()
static let light = LightTheme()
static var theme: Theme {
let isDark = UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: "AppleInterfaceStyle") == "Dark"
return isDark ? dark : light
Another way is to rely on appearance
on NSView. You can quickly check via NSApp.keyWindow?.effectiveAppearance
but notice that keyWindow
can be nil when the app is not active since no window is focused for keyboard events. You should use
let isDark = [.darkAqua, .vibrantDark]) == .darkAqua
Then build a simple Theme system
import SwiftUI
import EasySwiftUI
protocol Theme {
var primaryColor: Color { get }
var textColor: Color { get }
var text2Color: Color { get }
var backgroundColor: Color { get }
var background2Color: Color { get }
extension Theme {
var primaryColor: Color { Color(hex: 0x1) }
struct DarkTheme: Theme {
struct LightTheme: Theme {
For SwiftUI, you can colorScheme
environment, then use modifier .id(colorScheme)
to force SwiftUI to update when color scheme changes
struct MainView: View {
var colorScheme
var body: some View {
VStack {}
Updated at 2020-11-10 05:52:33
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