Issue #143
Today I was writing tests and get this error related to app idle
t = 23.06s Assertion Failure: <unknown>:0: Failed to scroll to visible (by AX action) Button, 0x6000003827d0, traits: 8858370049, label: 'cart', error: Error -25204 performing AXAction 2003 on element <XCAccessibilityElement: 0x7fc391a2bd60> pid: 91461, elementOrHash.elementID: 140658975676048.128
It turns out that the project uses a HUD that is performing some progress animation. Even it was being called HUD.hide()
, the problem still exists.
t = 31.55s Wait for no.example.MyApp to idle
t = 91.69s App animations complete notification not received, will attempt to continue.
t = 91.70s Tap Target Application 0x6040002a1260
t = 91.70s Wait for no.example.MyApp to id
No matter how I call sleep,
wait`, still the problem
_ = checkoutButton.waitForExistence(timeout: 10)
The fix is to disable animation. Start with setting argument when running tests
Then in AppDelegate
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
if CommandLine.arguments.contains("--UITests") {
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