How to declare commands in Xcode extenstions

Issue #638

Use commandDefinitions in XCSourceEditorExtension.

import Foundation
import XcodeKit

class SourceEditorExtension: NSObject, XCSourceEditorExtension {
    func extensionDidFinishLaunching() {

    var commandDefinitions: [[XCSourceEditorCommandDefinitionKey: Any]] {
        func makeDef(
            _ className: String,
            _ commandName: String
        ) -> [XCSourceEditorCommandDefinitionKey: Any] {
            guard let bundleId = Bundle(for: type(of: self)).bundleIdentifier else { return [:] }

            return [
                XCSourceEditorCommandDefinitionKey.identifierKey: bundleId + className,
                XCSourceEditorCommandDefinitionKey.classNameKey: className,
                XCSourceEditorCommandDefinitionKey.nameKey: commandName

        return [
            makeDef(TypeCommand.className(), "Type"),
            makeDef(ReloadCommand.className(), "Reload"),

There is a weird crash that we can’t seem to declare functions or use commandDefinitions, the workaround is to declare in plist

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