Issue #717

Try to use predefined system colors in Human Interface Guidelines for macOS

Here we use this color unemphasizedSelectedTextBackgroundColor for button background

HStack(spacing: 1) {
    makeUnderListButton(action: {}, icon: .plus)
    makeUnderListButton(action: {}, icon: .minus)

func makeUnderListButton(action: @escaping () -> Void, icon: AwesomeIcon) -> some View {
    Button(action: action) {
            .font(.awesome(style: .solid, size: 14))
    .buttonStyle(HighlightButtonStyle(h: 8, v: 6, cornerRadius: 4))

Another thing is List, where we have selected and alternative background colors. We should also use dynamic system colors selectedContentBackgroundColor and alternatingContentBackgroundColors

VStack {
    ForEach(apps.enumerated().map({ $0 }), id: \.element) { index, app in
        makeRow(app: app)
            .onTapGesture {
                self.selected = app
                self.selected == app
                    ? Color(NSColor.selectedContentBackgroundColor)
                    : Color(NSColor.alternatingContentBackgroundColors[index % 2])

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