Issue #677
The quick way to add new properties without breaking current saved Codable is to declare them as optional. For example if you use EasyStash library to save and load Codable models.
import SwiftUI
struct Input: Codable {
var bundleId: String = ""
// New props
var notificationId: String?
This new property when using dollar syntax $input.notificationId
turn into Binding with optional Binding<Strting?>
which is incompatible in SwiftUI when we use Binding.
struct MaterialTextField: View {
let placeholder: String
@Binding var text: String
The solution here is write an extension that converts Binding<String?>
to Binding<String>
extension Binding where Value == String? {
func toNonOptional() -> Binding<String> {
return Binding<String>(
get: {
return self.wrappedValue ?? ""
set: {
self.wrappedValue = $0
so we can use them as normal
MaterialTextField(text: $input.notificationId.toNonOptional())
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