Issue #230
CAReplicatorLayer is a layer that creates a specified number of sublayer copies with varying geometric, temporal, and color transformations
Here we use instanceTransform
which applies transformation matrix around the center of the replicator layer
Below is how we use replicatorLayer
to replicate lots of line
and rotate them around the center.
let replicatorLayer = CAReplicatorLayer()
let animation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: #keyPath(CALayer.opacity))
let line = CALayer()
let lineCount: Int = 12
let duration: TimeInterval = 1.0
let lineSize: CGSize = CGSize(width: 20, height: 6)
let lineColor: UIColor = UIColor.darkGray
let angle = CGFloat.pi * 2 / CGFloat(lineCount)
let rotation = CATransform3DMakeRotation(angle, 0, 0, 1.0)
replicatorLayer.instanceTransform = rotation
replicatorLayer.instanceCount = lineCount
replicatorLayer.instanceDelay = duration / TimeInterval(lineCount)
line.backgroundColor = lineColor.cgColor
line.frame.size = lineSize
line.cornerRadius = lineSize.height / 2
animation.fromValue = 1.0
animation.toValue = 0.0
animation.repeatCount = Float.greatestFiniteMagnitude
animation.timingFunction = CAMediaTimingFunction(name: .linear)
animation.duration = duration
// x:
// y: half the height, changing affects rotation of lines
line.position = CGPoint(x: 48, y: 75)
line.add(animation, forKey: nil)
Pay attention to position
of the line
. The larger the x
, the closer to center. y
should be half the height of the replicator layer size, changing it affects the skewness of the line

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