Issue #424
One confusing point here that people often do not realize is that even though the custom token itself expires after one hour, a modern client SDK authenticated with that custom token will stay authenticated beyond that hour! What happens under the hood is that the custom token is sent to the Firebase Auth service in exchange for an ID token and refresh token pair which are used to keep the client SDK authenticated
As with custom tokens, ID tokens are short-lived JWTs, lasting for just one hour. In order to allow end users to stay logged in for more than one hour, the modern SDKs transparently refresh a user’s ID token on your behalf using a refresh token
If your app includes a custom backend server, ID tokens can and should be used to communicate securely with it. Instead of sending requests with a user’s raw uid which can be easily spoofed by a malicious client, send the user’s ID token which can be verified via a Firebase Admin SDK
When a user or device successfully signs in, Firebase creates a corresponding ID token that uniquely identifies them and grants them access to several resources, such as Firebase Realtime Database and Cloud Storage. You can re-use that ID token to identify the user or device on your custom backend server. To retrieve the ID token from the client, make sure the user is signed in and then get the ID token from the signed-in user:
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