How to use passed launch arguments in UITests

Issue #537

Specify launch arguments

In xcodebuild, specify launch arguments.

You can specify this under Launch Arguments in Run action of the app scheme or UITest scheme

Screenshot 2019-12-10 at 23 27 02
-AppleLanguages (jp) -AppleLocale (jp_JP)
(lldb) po ProcessInfo().arguments
 11 elements
  - 0 : "/Users/khoa/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/561F2B45-26B2-4897-98C4-8A917AEB48D2/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/436E0A43-8323-4F53-BBE0-6F75F674916F/"
  - 1 : "-AppleLanguages"
  - 2 : "(ja)"
  - 3 : "-AppleTextDirection"
  - 4 : "NO"
  - 5 : "-AppleLocale"
  - 6 : "ja_JP"
  - 7 : "-NSTreatUnknownArgumentsAsOpen"
  - 8 : "NO"
  - 9 : "-ApplePersistenceIgnoreState"
  - 10 : "YES"

In UITests, pass launch arguments from UITest scheme to UITest application

app.launchArguments += ProcessInfo().arguments


ProcessInfo().environment // [String: String]
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