Understanding suspend function in Kotlin Coroutine in Android

Issue #123

Getting to know Coroutine

From https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/coroutines.html

To continue the analogy, await() can be a suspending function (hence also callable from within an async {} block) that suspends a coroutine until some computation is done and returns its result:

From https://kotlinlang.org/docs/tutorials/coroutines-basic-jvm.html

We are using the delay() function that’s like Thread.sleep(), but better: it doesn’t block a thread, but only suspends the coroutine itself. The thread is returned to the pool while the coroutine is waiting, and when the waiting is done, the coroutine resumes on a free thread in the pool.

await() can not be called outside a coroutine, because it needs to suspend until the computation finishes, and only coroutines can suspend in a non-blocking way

What does suspend function mean in Kotlin Coroutine šŸ¤”


I’m reading Kotlin Coroutine and know that it is based on suspend function. But what does suspend mean?

Coroutine or function gets suspended?

From https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/coroutines.html

Basically, coroutines are computations that can be suspended without blocking a thread

I heard people often say “suspend function”. But I think it is the coroutine who gets suspended because it is waiting for the function to finished? “suspend” usually means “cease operation”, in this case the coroutine is idle.

Should we say the coroutine is suspended ?

Which coroutine gets suspended?

From https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/coroutines.html

To continue the analogy, await() can be a suspending function (hence also callable from within an async {} block) that suspends a coroutine until some computation is done and returns its result:

async { // Here I call it the outer async coroutine
    // Here I call computation the inner coroutine
    val result = computation.await()

šŸ¤” It says “that suspends a coroutine until some computation is done”, but coroutine is like a lightweight thread. So if the coroutine is suspended, how can the computation is done ?

We see await is called on computation, so it might be async that returns Deferred, which means it can start another coroutine

fun computation(): Deferred<Boolean> {
    return async {

šŸ¤” The quote say that suspends a coroutine. Does it mean suspend the outer async coroutine, or suspend the inner computation coroutine?

Does suspend mean that while outer async coroutine is waiting (await) for the inner computation coroutine to finish, it (the outer async coroutine) idles (hence the name suspend) and returns thread to the thread pool, and when the child computation coroutine finishes, it (the outer async coroutine) wakes up, takes another thread from the pool and continues?

The reason I mention the thread is because of https://kotlinlang.org/docs/tutorials/coroutines-basic-jvm.html

The thread is returned to the pool while the coroutine is waiting, and when the waiting is done, the coroutine resumes on a free thread in the pool

Understanding async

From https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines/blob/master/coroutines-guide.md

Conceptually, async is just like launch. It starts a separate coroutine which is a light-weight thread that works concurrently with all the other coroutines. The difference is that launch returns a Job and does not carry any resulting value, while async returns a Deferred – a light-weight non-blocking future that represents a promise to provide a result later. You can use .await() on a deferred value to get its eventual result, but Deferred is also a Job, so you can cancel it if needed.

fun main(args: Array<String>) = runBlocking<Unit> {
    val time = measureTimeMillis {
        val one = async { doSomethingUsefulOne() }
        val two = async { doSomethingUsefulTwo() }
        println("The answer is ${one.await() + two.await()}")
    println("Completed in $time ms")

There is a laziness option to async using an optional start parameter with a value of CoroutineStart.LAZY. It starts coroutine only when its result is needed by some await or if a start function is invoked. Run the following example that differs from the previous one only by this option:

fun main(args: Array<String>) = runBlocking<Unit> {
    val time = measureTimeMillis {
        val one = async(start = CoroutineStart.LAZY) { doSomethingUsefulOne() }
        val two = async(start = CoroutineStart.LAZY) { doSomethingUsefulTwo() }
        println("The answer is ${one.await() + two.await()}")
    println("Completed in $time ms")

What is the difference between launch/join and async/await in Kotlin coroutines


I find this guide https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines/blob/master/coroutines-guide.md to be useful. I will quote the essential parts

šŸ¦„ coroutine

Essentially, coroutines are light-weight threads.

So you can think of coroutine as something that manages thread in a very efficient way.

šŸ¤ launch

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    launch { // launch new coroutine in background and continue
        delay(1000L) // non-blocking delay for 1 second (default time unit is ms)
        println("World!") // print after delay
    println("Hello,") // main thread continues while coroutine is delayed
    Thread.sleep(2000L) // block main thread for 2 seconds to keep JVM alive

So launch starts a background thread, does something, and returns a token immediately as Job. You can call join on this Job to block until this launch thread completes

fun main(args: Array<String>) = runBlocking<Unit> {
    val job = launch { // launch new coroutine and keep a reference to its Job
    job.join() // wait until child coroutine completes

šŸ¦† async

Conceptually, async is just like launch. It starts a separate coroutine which is a light-weight thread that works concurrently with all the other coroutines. The difference is that launch returns a Job and does not carry any resulting value, while async returns a Deferred – a light-weight non-blocking future that represents a promise to provide a result later.

So async starts a background thread, does something, and returns a token immediately as Deferred.

fun main(args: Array<String>) = runBlocking<Unit> {
    val time = measureTimeMillis {
        val one = async { doSomethingUsefulOne() }
        val two = async { doSomethingUsefulTwo() }
        println("The answer is ${one.await() + two.await()}")
    println("Completed in $time ms")

You can use .await() on a deferred value to get its eventual result, but Deferred is also a Job, so you can cancel it if needed.

So Deferred is actually a Job. See https://kotlin.github.io/kotlinx.coroutines/kotlinx-coroutines-core/kotlinx.coroutines.experimental/-deferred/index.html

interface Deferred<out T> : Job (source)

šŸ¦‹ async is eager by default

There is a laziness option to async using an optional start parameter with a value of CoroutineStart.LAZY. It starts coroutine only when its result is needed by some await or if a start function is invoked.

Understand Kotlin Coroutines on Android (Google I/O'19)


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Iā€™m open source contributor, writer, speaker and product maker.

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