How to use Bitrise CI for React Native apps

Issue #277 Original post After trying Travis, CircleCI and BuddyBuild, I now choose Bitrise for my mobile applications. The many cool steps and workflows make Bitrise an ideal CI to try. Like any other CIs, the learning steps and configurations can be intimidating at first. Things that work locally can fail on CI, and how to send things that are marked as git ignore to be used in CI builds are popular issues....

May 23, 2019 · 6 min · 1078 words · Khoa

Using CircleCI 2.0

Issue #158 We ’ve been using CircleCI for many of our open source projects. Since the end of last year 2017, version 2.0 began to come out, and we think it’s good time to try it now together with Swift 4.1 and Xcode 9.3 The problem with version 2.0 is it’s so powerful and has lots of cool new features like jobs and workflows, but that requires going to documentation for how to migrate configuration file, especially Search and Replace Deprecated 2....

April 3, 2018 · 3 min · 454 words · Khoa

Dealing with updated pod in BuddyBuild

Issue #149 We’re using BuddyBuild as our CI. Today one of our dependencies gets a sweat update So we pod update BarcodeScanner in one of our projects that depends on it. All is fine when running locally. So I make a Pull Request and wait for the build to kick off in BuddyBuild. For some reason, BuddyBuild can’t pick up the right version of Cocoapods, hence can’t update the new pods....

February 1, 2018 · 3 min · 502 words · Khoa